these pieces are on paper. They are a combination of wax, oil paint, red perm marker, encaustic gesso and graphite. Oh, also they have below them the printed images from the journal, blown up. I have no idea where I am going......I feel like I am trying to move forward but am stepping backward in order to do so. I am just going to push it until it tells me to stop. Do and undo, do and undo.
It is definitely an excavation, a dig, only in reverse.
I had a conversation with Jill today (she is my mentor) I showed her a portrait I had done from life. The portrait is in walnut oil. I will post it when it is something that I like. It is very loose and gestural. Jill said that in the portrait, gesture is as important as the image being depicted. She continued to say that I was trying to speak two different languages at the same time. One of abstraction and one of representation. And that I should try to bring all that I do in abstraction into representation