I like to think our brains have an information system giving us our orders for the road,
I keep watch over them....you must differentiate between memories.
Are you going to them or are they coming to you?
If you are going to them you are wasting your time.
Nostalgia is not productive. If they come to you, they are the seeds.
louise bourgeois
the locus of memory

from mother home and heaven

In all our voluntary thinking there is some topic or subject about which all the members of thought revolve.

Half the time this topic is a problem, a gap we cannot yet fill with a definite picture,
word or phrase, but which influences in an intensely active and determinate psychic way.
What ever may be the images or phrases that pass before us, we feel their relation to this aching gap.
To fill it up is our thought's destiny. Some bring us nearer to the consummation.
Some the gap negates as quite irrelevant. each swims in a felt fringe of relations which the gap is the term.
from william James...The Principles of Psychology
New pile of detritis from the other nights rampage

They know they've been here before
I haven't spent any time with these two pieces as I just devoured them the other night!

With each episode of destruction I find myself closer to what it is I think I am searching for.
For one, it is most definitely process. As I excavate my way through this work what is
revealed in the layers below is my mind as matter. All the piles are significant, every line draw,
Every ragged edge.
It appears that this territory is uncharted, but what if its not?