Sunday, February 20, 2011

something I saw while looking down on Jackman's birthday which , of course, is Valentines day!
I am beginning to think the words are going to play a greater role than originally planned. In the past I have always used text as a means of texture with select words exposed engaging the analytical. sometimes the words confuse and sometimes they offer greater understanding of content. With the objective of maintaining some level of perpetual discomfort I am letting this happen on it's own and through the discourse with my assistants....including the lilliputians....mostly with them it is through observation, I see them working in much the same way that I do, only I sometimes stop prior to exhausting my supplies and most times I clean my brushes.
This is the piece Julie was working on.........verbs.
So, after Rachel squared off the phrases in whit out, Julie squared off all the verbs on another piece using a fine point sharpie. Don't think I wasn't doing anything...I was reading aloud the introduction to the 1917 pocket reference of FAULTY DICTION!This was no easy task, this reference MUST be orated in a heavy british tongue! I was sweating, It is much more difficult entertaining assistance than actually squaring off phrases and verbs. Good thing we started drinking wine about this time!

And they do Not clean their brushes! I'm gonna have to call a staff meeting to address this!