I can't be Mark Bradford cause I'm not black and I didn't grow up in LA! I can't be Jose' Parla' because I'm not Cuban and didn't grow up in Miami! And I can't be Ellen Gallagher cause I'm not bi-racial......WHO AM I? .... I found a vintage book of maps I picked up at a yard sale or church sale or something.........things may shift as my detritus gets used up......plus the seaweed I found resembles my collections. I think it may have something growing on it as it has a reptilian texture. We'll see. Everything I touch turns into something new. every peel I do turns into two. A frontside, a back side an inside an outside. I am finding it harder and harder to throw any scrap away! the piles of detritus are growing. The pieces are smaller and smaller as I use them up and so I have begun a smaller body of work so the proportions remain the same. I haven't glued any thing down yet. I became overwhelmed today by my obsessive compulsive work habits! Questions are surfacing....like, what the fuck am I doing? If I keep this up I will need a bus to get all this to the June residency! I don't mind having a boat load of work but I get into this groove and there's so much and I don't have a clarity to what I am trying to say. I can talk about it endlessly but what am I saying? Am I just using up materials I am producing.......making my own detritus? Why? there is already so much everywhere. But then I went to the backshore and I saw all of my paintings in the landscape of my island. It was an opiphony! This has happened to me before. I am looking in the woods on a winter day....I am walking on the rocks backshore, picking up sheets of deckled seaweed and stones smoothed by a million years of water, hand drawn rings of igneous intrusions. a rusted pipe wins my attention in this plethora of the mother's detritus......she is the ultimate maker. The rust is her's as well...the pipe holds no beauty with out her touch. She is a force to be reckoned! glue.......time and collection! peel.....time and erosion This is the sweet one today! she is about half the size she was yesterday! so it snowed......and it was perfect for building these guys! We almost used up all the snow in the yard! I like the idea of the bunnies existing after all the snow on the ground is gone.