Tuesday, February 15, 2011

This is the closest thing to what I am thinking so far!
.not that anything couldn't be I am just finding it now.
the combination of line , word, paint, balance, dark , light and decay.
No overwhelming color. All the elements i would like to see.
Tim says the paintings are dark and that they express my inner psycho .
I said, right, I am always looking down.
Another flour sack with gently adhered nepalese oil paper stained in walnut ink.....getting there, feeling very uncomfortable
too close to it
This is the most developed flour sack. Will definitely draw from this!
The big one still underway. I think I will move on to my February sheet and set her aside.....practice the roll.
This is Tallulah's first writing. she makes her a's upside down and
then just flips the paper over to view it correct!