Friday, May 20, 2011

agnus and the ocean

Like the ocean, you just go there and sit and look.
This in a nutshell is what eastern philosophy and art can be.
We look at the ocean in a primal way 9Perhaps we originally came from there,
or there is some other reason why we are so drawn to it)
Regardless as to why we are drawn,
we see in the ocean some kind of answer,
an assurance of, if nothing else,
that the universe is unfolding in it's cosmic mystery,
or that "life goes on" --some kind of peace or perspective about life--
--we look without the need for words,
we are counting on the wordlessness to comfort us.
oh little wax panel
your not my friend
paper,mold and neon
Happen to be
sailing on a cardboard sea
in a cardboard boat
toward heaven
scrap heap
Here are some finished pieces. as the semester comes to a close
I am compelled to bring these creatures to a point of closer too.