Monday, March 28, 2011

cardboard cards

Let me know the condition in which they arrive


This is a picture of battery steele flooded. We were walking down the tunnel when the sound of an engine reverberated inside getting louder and louder in the pitch black. I love this graffiti covered ruin. Another example of archival entropy. Inspiration to one who gravitates toward decay and detritus...and the passing of time, the mark or trace of those who have passed through.
Rachel and I mixed up a great batch of wheatpaste. I want to use it on things other than paintings in my studio.
I might be ready to bust a move.

And more here. These pieces were paintings but became surfaces to adhere the paper pieces down. Annette and I decided that was not working and so, of course we undid them at our last meeting, uncovering another treasure which needs attention, some more than others I don't really know what I am doing but I think I like it.
Not so much liking here
Something is telling me to scribble all over these.....
maybe smear them with plaster blocking off areas with tape prior....
left over panels back when wax was my friend, cardboard, caulking.

Monday, March 21, 2011

closer to the truth

Scores of music for mine eyes
homage to Agnus

our history

These two pieces are by Jose' Parla' whose work we saw at the Bryce Wolkowski Gallery. I may have channeled him by accident.......At any rate , I was quite taken and need to find him!

The same rust wall just after flippy raggedy
A rust wall on 23rd street ...the white silo on the lower left is a dog walking into the frame. behind the wall was a white gravel bead with large stone portraits made of stacked slabs of granite.....I , of course, preferred the wall
This is the lounge at The Jane......The most bohemian hotel I have ever stayed in! my posse spent much time here drinkin in front of the fire before heading to chelsea market for fish tacos and then onto Sleep No More!!! full

inside out

getting closer.......As the semester marches forward I feel my evolution speeding up. I love the direction my mentor has helped to facilitate in me. Again, I am astonished at the serendipitous pairing of like minds. I love New York! There is sooooooo much intoxication and it will only become more so.

Inside out wheatpaste on cardboard
Things underway. Unpacked paintings and cardboard from around the studio.....cardboard is my friend
Paintings from last semester glued down to canvas ready to be covered....waiting for detritus
Here are a few images of base layers for your enjoyment and my recorded process

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

throwing shadows

blue blue windows behind the stars
yellow moon on the rise
big birds flying across the sky
throwing shadows on our eyes

Hey buddha Lady
Thanks Jackman and Al for the great under drawing! is it part exquisite corpse???//

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

buddha buddha buddha

I think this is upside down
Scattered on the floor......buddha buddha buddha everywhere.
if I fall asleep in your arms...please wake me up in your arms (TW)
oh my buhhda!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Maybe it looks like I might be going crazy.....Many things are at a very preliminary stage
Adding, subtracting, ripping off, gluing down, piling up

Still unpacking paintings
The studio below is looking like it might need some attention.....I'll get to it! Maybe it's time to start filming the process. Getting deep deep into detritus. words are about to emerge.
a repeat of the doesn't matter that its the same photo, there are ten piles.
I used an entire bottle of indigo ink on the surface of this painting! then I flipped it over and dug through the cardbord...........hence the debri...It may become useful after it dries.I need more indigo.

making your own detritus creates quite a big mess in the studio