My plan is to take some of what is going on in the paper bags pieces and incorporate it in with some of the goings on in what I am posting now.
The residency ended a week ago. Quite an intellectually intoxicating experience! I haven't had one of those in some time. My summary is almost ready to draft. The beach is a good place to write. My mind has been reeling with new ideas....well not really new just shifted.
Jackman and I are having a show together at the Gem Gallery on Peaks Island. The show will hang for only one week starting July 15th. We are having a reception from 5-8 on Saturday July 17th. The show will be titled KIN, because that's what we are. I will try to post some of his work soon. Blogging is not easy for me yet.
Like for instance, I just uploaded the top image and I thought the text would wrap around but instead it jumped to the side, whatever.
So the text continues down and the images go up.
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