I am still fiddling around with these journal pages! each move I make gets me more excited about where they are taking me!
You must have seen them in an earlier post adhered to a 3x4 foot panel .......... I have been working on the larger pieces while pondering what to do about this beast! And then it came to me one morning while I was still asleep...The weather had turned to freezing about a week ago. I recalled a painting of mine that had been left in the back of a car during a frozen january a few years ago. When I retrieved the painting from the car it had crack across the surface. I lifted the painting away from the panel and turned it around. It was like looking into a painting from the inside out. From the first marks made to the last. It was astonishingly beautiful and yet had been hidden by the paintings completion. This made me think of all the journal pages lost to the back side of the pages shown. So I put the 3x4 panel on the porch in the freezing cold, where I left it for several days. It did not crack as I had hoped but I did bring it back into the studio where I cracked off all the pages to reveal the foregone images. Now caked with resin I rolled a thin layer of gesso over some of the surfaces and began to think of a new way to show these pieces. I like holding them and turning the pages. They will no longer fit within the confines of the covers. So I built a house of cards.
1 comment:
Diane, I had no idea you had this blog. I've looked thru 4 pages so far. I love how your work has evolved. You are an inspiring artist. You are forever creating and changing.
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