just the beginning.......vintage version of Of Human Bondage...Phillip is complicated. Rachel helped me wheat paste. I love having a studio assistant.

This is nearing it's shelf life. it rolls . alfred says I cover too much up. He sees all the stages and knows what is going to happen.......it's nice to have someone in the know! Plus he totally turned me on to the Freakwater band. I am loving them.
my grandmother died last sunday. everything changes with the passing of time. I love old and decaying things. I love mold and moss and patches along the highway and cracks in sidewalks. Vintage anything really. My father, her son, died when I was six. He had a convertible mustang,white with red interior. I remember riding in that car, I was five, we were in a parade, I sat on the back, up off the back seat...waving, where is that car?

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